Posts in Mindfulness
Cuddling or Meditation?

Happy New Year! I hope that everyone had a restful break. This year, rather than making resolutions, I have been letting them go. About eight years ago, I made the resolution to do sitting meditation every single morning. And until recently, I have kept that resolution, rising from bed very early, even in the darkest, coldest mornings, sitting through illnesses, sitting in hotel rooms, on planes, and even while in doctors' waiting rooms. But last month, something shifted...

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Santa Claus Mom

Happy Holiday Season! I remember when my kids were young and my parents would show up at our house for Christmas. My dad would still be turning off the engine and my mom would already be up on our front porch lugging several lawn-sized garbage bags filled with presents. She truly looked like Santa Claus when she arrived at our house, with full arms and a huge excited smile.

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The 18 House Guests

I am sitting outside enjoying the sunshine and the solitude. Our 18 house guests from the last week just left, and I am basking in the quiet both outside and inside my mind. Amazingly, tonight will be the first night in 8 months where we won't have any guests staying at our house. I thought that at this moment I would feel exhausted and relieved, which I do, but I will also miss the community and connection...

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Planning to Live

This morning during my sitting meditation, I planned whether I would do walking meditation after sitting. I decided to do it. During my walking meditation, I thought about how, if I finished quickly, I would be able to do a long walk in Rock Creek with my dog, Gus. Then I got to Rock Creek, and I was immediately planning my route through the park. Once I decided which way to go, I started planning my day...

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Mindfulness, Self-CareAnnie Mahon
A Toothbrush and a Fresh Pair of Undies

Next week my son heads off to France for a gap year between high school and college. He is pretty excited about it, and we have begun planning which suitcases he will bring, buying him a new suit for his internship, and figuring out how he is going to get all of his stuff from here to there. And while we were planning, I remembered a time when he was ten years old and we went on a two-day trip to Cleveland...

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Living in Freedom - with or without AC

It's swelteringly hot outside these days. I have noticed that when I am walking or running outside in the heat of the day, I am sometimes preoccupied with the oppression of the heat. Some days I have a hard time enjoying what I am doing outside because I get stuck on thinking about the heat and how to relieve it. If I am going somewhere with air conditioning, I start to think about how nice it will be once I get inside...

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Staying on the Curb

Happy 4th of July! One of my favorite childhood memories is spending Independence Day in my mom's hometown of Algonac, Michigan. In Algonac, the week leading up to the 4th was always the "Pickerel Tournament," which consisted of a very rickety but fun carnival and an ongoing fishing tournament,which I completely ignored. The big finale for the week was always the 4th of July parade...

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Listening to the Rain

I was lying in bed one morning last week with the clatter of heavy rain on the roof above my head and the sweet coziness of a warm comforter, when I realized that it was already 6:15, and the Wednesday morning sitting meditation was beginning at the studio in 15 minutes. At that point it was really too late to get to sitting on time, but I considered, very briefly, leaping out of bed, throwing on some clothes, and racing over...

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